School Activities - Qurban

Hello guys!

Today, I would like to tell you all about one of my school activity. The activity is Qurtsa or Qurban Tsalatsa that means Qurban 3.It was held on 1 September 2017 in my school SMAN 3 Bandung. All first grade student have to come to that activity.

It was an interesting activity 'cause I can saw the procedure of Qurban, such as how to slaughter the animal, what prayer that must we read, amd many more.

The activity itself started from 8.30am until 12pm. Started from slaughtered the animals, then the committee cut off the animal bodies into smaller part so it can be easily separated between it bones and it meat.

After that, the committees cut the meat into small pieces and weigh the meat, then divided it into lot of plastic bags. Then, they're started to distribute the meats to the local communities.

It was a really exciting activity, I hope my school will held an activity like that again.


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