Unforgotable Experience

Good day everybody!

Today I want to tell you about my unforgotable experience. That day, I was want to go home after studied at my junior high school. I wanted to went home as fast as I can that day, but unfortunately rain happened. And unfortunately I didn't brought my umbrella. I was so upset that time 'cause i thought i'll went home lately when my other friends was went to their home with their parents. I can't tell my parents to pick me from the school because my mom was put my sister to sleep and my father was busy with his work.

At that situation I decide to went back to my class, but as I had expected before there was nobody left there. Then I decide to went to the library to read a book there with hoping that the rain will soon subside. But, after half an our I read a book the rain was still not stopped. I felt so bored that time cause my smartphone was in low-battery condition. After that, I decide to went to the school corridor and read my textbook.

Unfortunately, there was a teacher that came to me. He asked me why I was still at school when the other was went to their home. So, I explained my situation to him. Then, he said to me to not went anywhere and wait him came back. I didn't know what he want to do that time, but I decide to followed his suggest. After waited for 15 minutes, finally my teacher came back. He was brought an umbrella in his hand that time. Then he lend it to me, he said that I can use the umbrella cause he can went home with his car and so he said that I must gave it to him at the next day.

At that point I was felt so happy because finally I can went back to my home. I felt so grateful that time 'cause there was other people that still care about my condition. Then, I said many thanks to him 'cause he was helped me. Then I went back to my home used the umbrella which my teacher lends. The next day, I brought back the umbrella and gave it to my teacher. I will never forgot his kindness 'cause if he didn't helped me that day, I didn't know I can went home or not 'cause the rain was not stopped until night.

It was all I can say about an experience that makes me so grateful. See you in the next post!


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